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Beach View Psychiatry is an outpatient mental and behavioral health office. Dr Spaedy is dually trained in both adult and pediatric psychiatry. Psychiatric intake evaluations and follow up visits are conducted here. During our visits, recommendations and advice is given which may include medication in addition to other treatments. While some brief therapy is implemented at most visits with the doctor, standalone psychotherapy is not offered here. With that said, this office collaborates with multiple, excellent therapy practices nearby. If psychotherapy is desired as part of your treatment we would be more than happy to help with referrals to one of these practices. Below you will find a list of many of the most frequent conditions that we treat at our clinic. If you are looking for assistance with something that is not listed, please reach out to the clinic to see if we can help.

Conditions Treated

ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder affects people of all ages. Common symptoms include difficulty with focusing on tasks as well as impulsive and hyperactive behavior.
Depression can take many different forms. Some ways that it can show is by having impacts on your appetite, sleep, energy levels, concentration, self esteem, interest in hobbies.
Anxiety & Stress
Anxiety related troubles can take many forms. Sometimes anxiety is fairly general in nature such as in generalized anxiety disorder. Other times it is more specific, such as in separation anxiety, specific phobias, and social anxiety.
Disruptive and Explosive Disorders
These conditions are characterized by frequent irritability and responding to situations with behaviors in a way that far exceed a typical response to stress.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
While frequently mistaken as a personality trait, true OCD is characterized by repetitive and distressful intrusive thoughts. These thoughts are frequently found alongside repetitive actions.
Panic Attacks & Panic Disorder
Panic attacks take the form of brief and extreme bouts of anxiety that are largely incapacitating. If severe enough, they can cause issues with day to day functioning.
Conduct Related and Oppositional Behaviors
A wide group of possible behaviors and conditions that have in common an inability to behave in an appropriate way societal expectations. Characterized by disrespectful and deviant behavior.
Tourette's & Tic Disorders
Tic disorders may include motor tics (moving your muscles in a certain repetitive way), vocal tics (making specific noises), or a combination of both (Tourette's disorder).
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Commonly characterized by cyclical changes in mood based on the season. People tend to have less symptoms in the summer months and more in the winter when the days are shorter.
Addiction, also known as substance use disorders encompass conditions. Some of these include alcohol, cannabis, nicotine, as well as street/recreational drugs.
Insomnia & Sleep
Insomnia disorders can take multiple different forms and have a variety of causes. They are characterized by an inability to get effective sleep and wake up feeling restored in the morning.
Autism is a spectrum and one of the most diverse conditions in psychiatry. One autistic individual is rarely like another. Generally though, it is characterized by challenges with communication as well as repetitive behaviors and interests.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders can take many different forms. Some of these include anorexia, bulimia, PICA & ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder). They are characterized by a lack of control relating to food.
PTSD & Trauma
Trauma, no matter how long ago it may have happened can shake us to the core. Some trauma leaves lasting symptoms which may include sleep issues, feeling on edge, flashbacks, and avoidance.
Dementia & Memory
Cognitive impairment can be a part of normal ageing, however it can also a sign of underlying disorder. While memory is usually impaired, behavior, attention, and emotional health can be impacted as well.
Dissociative Disorders
Characterized by a feeling of disconnect between one's self and their surroundings. This can cause issues with perception, emotion, behavior, and identity.
Adjustment Disorders
Stress impacts us all differently. Some stressors impact us more than they do others and result challenges to our emotional wellbeing (anxiety & depressed mood) as well as behavioral changes.
Personality Disorders
We all have various different aspects to our personality. Sometimes, however, these traits can magnify to a degree that is outside of the norm, unhealthy, and causes distress.
Whatever you rest your attention on - grows. Learn how to cultivate positive mental and emotional changes that sustain wellbeing.
Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatrist